ブレードランナー 移動都市モータルエンジン ハンガーゲーム 魚が出て来た日 インサージェント 攻殻機動隊
Metropolis Year: 1927 – Germany Rudolf Klein-Rogge Brigitte Helm Director: Fritz Lang Photographer: Horst von Harbou. It is forbidden to reproduce the photograph out of context of the promotion of the film. It must be credited to the Film Company and/or the photographer assigned by or authorized by/allowed on the set by the Film Company. Restricted to Editorial Use. Photo12 does not grant publicity rights of the persons represented.
Metropolis Year: 1927 – Germany Director: Fritz Lang Photographer: Horst von Harbou. It is forbidden to reproduce the photograph out of context of the promotion of the film. It must be credited to the Film Company and/or the photographer assigned by or authorized by/allowed on the set by the Film Company. Restricted to Editorial Use. Photo12 does not grant publicity rights of the persons represented.